grass paper

Shopping bags and small cases made of grass paper
Orange srl is constantly seeking packaging and displays with low environmental impact with the aim of re-evaluating and redefining our behaviour models in depth.
While seeking and testing products that meet our needs, we introduced Grass Paper, an Eco-Friendly type of paper which contains up to 40% of grass fibers. This allows a 75% CO2 reduction during the production process of the raw material, as well as considerable water savings. In addition, Grass paper honours the use of a material with zero environmental impact (grass fiber), thus preserving trees. 
100% recyclable and FSC certified, our shopping bags and small cases made of grass paper are thoroughly checked and actively help protect the environment and forests.
Riciclabili al 100% e certificati FSC, le nostre shopper e i piccoli astucci realizzati in carta erba sono controllati scrupolosamente e aiutano attivamente la protezione dell’ambiente e delle foreste