Sedex Member

Sedex Member
Orange Packaging Italia srl has always been interested in social and environmental issues and has therefor decided to become a Sedex Member in order to support a network that operates in safety and transparency on the basis of the principles of the Code of Ethics that have always been adopted. 

Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange)  is one of the world’s leading ethical trade membership organisation, working to raise standards across all tiers of the supply chain for responsible trade.

Being a Sedex Member allows affiliated companies to collaborate by sharing common information efficiently, managing social and environmental issues and operating to source ethically, respecting human rights and guaranteeing workers equal opportunities and fair working conditions in an ethical and sustainable environment.

Sedex includes more than 60,000 members in 180 countries which operate in different business segments such as the food industry, the agricultural sector, financial services, apparel industry, the packaging and chemical industry and partners with some of the world’s most recognisable brands and standard setting organisations such as the United Nations and the Ethical Trade Initiative.

Orange Packaging Italia srl is proud to be part of Sedex, a concrete and important reality in responsible sourcing, in defence of humanity and of the environmental heritage.